This page provides a link to the website of a textbook aimed at West African students taking West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) History Paper 1, “West Africa and the Wider World from Earliest Times to 2000”. This free resource covers all the current syllabus, as well as including two chapters (11. Women, Gender and Political Authority; 12. The Environment in West African History) which – it is hoped – might be later added. My co-authors were Nwando Achebe, Samuel Adu-Gyamfi, Joe Alie, Hassoum Ceesay, Toby Green and Ben Kye-Ampadu. I have written the chapter on colonial borders and created the Wordpress website hosting it.
WASSCE Quiz app
I have also created an app which is actually a quiz for all the students taking the History WASCCE. You can download an Android version here and an Apple version there.